Player Profile

Raja Muhammad Shahzaib Ullah


Raja Muhammad Shahzaib Ullah's Profile

Age (Years):   34
Sport:   Rugby
City:   Lahore
Weight(Kgs):   60
Height:   5'8''

Saudi Arabia Rugby
- Saudi Arabia Rugby Team
- Riyadh Falcons Rugby Team
- All Pakistan Universities Rugby Team
- Lahore Rugby Team
- Riyadh Volleyball Club (Private club)
- PESHR Riyadh KSA Basketball Club (Private club


Raja Muhammad Shahzaib Ullah is a Entrepreneur and Marketeer by profession, but a sports man by heart. He studied from Lahore School of Economics and worked in Saudi Arabia after his completion of education. 

He resides in Lahore and is currently working in the field of Event Management and Marketing. As a Sports-person he has gained fame in multiple sports such as: Volleyball, Rugby and Basketball.

He have represented Pakistan and Saudi Arabia Nationally and played for his School, University and multiple private clubs and teams in Volleyball and Basketball within Pakistan and abroad as well. 

He still have the urge to enhance his skills and keep the spirit up for the game for which is keeps seeking for appropriate opportunities. 

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