Pakistan Taekwondo Federation (PTF) jointly with Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) and Embassy of Republic of Korea is organizing the 13th edition of Korean Ambassador National Taekwondo Championship which will be commencing from 2nd November and will be conducted till 8th of November.
Fights for both male and female fighters will be contested in the event in four different age-groups which are divided in both male and female categories making a total of 8 different weight categories.
Following are the four age-groups:
1. 6 to 10 years Children category
2. 11 to 14 years Senior category
3. 15 to 17 Years and Junior category
4. 17 to 30 Years
All the fights will be contested in free style group in which 5 persons are to fight except for the 17 to 30 Years age category in which the format will not be free style and only one person will compete.
Following are the weight categories for men competitions:
1. -58 kg
2. -68 kg
3. -80 kg
4. +80 kg
Following are the weight categories for women competitions:
1. -49 kg
2. -57 kg
3. -67 kg
4. +67 kg