Player Profile

Raja Humayun


- 1st position in 7th group race of 1600 meters in Pentathlon at Punjab Stadium, Lahore. 
-  2nd position in District Games: Mini Marathon( 7.5 km ) at Sukkur.
- 2nd position in District games: 1600 meter race in Sukkur.
- Rally Race of District Games 2nd position winner.
- Played Inter city Divisional Football Tournament in Tandojam University at Hyderabad.

Raja Humayun's Profile

Age (Years):   24
Sport:   Football
City:   Sukkur
Weight(Kgs):   66
Height:   5'5''

Combined Football Club Sukkur
Combined Football Club Sukkur

Raja Humayun Majid hails from Sukkur, Sindh. He begun his career back from 2015 as a footballer at Combined Football Club Sukkur where he still trains to improve his fitness and skills.

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