7 matches decided in National Kabaddi Championship
POLICE, HEC, ARMY, WAPDA, and GB win their matches in the National Kabaddi Championship.

A total of seven matches were decided on the second day of the 43rd National Kabaddi Championship organized by the Pakistan Kabaddi Federation here at Jinnah Stadium of Pakistan Sports Complex.
Pakistan Police beat Islamabad by 39-10 points, Higher Education Commission defeated Gilgit-Baltistan 28-8 points, Pakistan Army downed Punjab by 57-27 points, Wapda outplayed Balochistan by 35-20 points, Higher Education Commission was victorious over Police by 49-39 points and Gilgit-Baltistan edged Islamabad by 32-17 points. Meanwhile, the Pakistan Air Force got a walkover against the Railways.
Two matches will be played on Friday. The first match would be played between the Pakistan Air Force and the Higher Education Commission while the second match between Wapda and the Pakistan Army. In case of rain, the matches will be played on March 5.
Secretary General of Pakistan Kabaddi Federation, Muhammad Sarwar Rana, was also present on this occasion.