Cycling NEWS

Cycologists Ride to End Polio to be held on 19th October

Cycologists and EOC, together are organizing a cycling event to generate awareness towards eradication of Polio on 19th October in Karachi.

Cycologists Rides in collaboration with Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Sindh for Polio Eradication partnered with Rotary Club and Pakistan Polio Eradication Program to organize a ride with the intention to provide a safe riding experience to generate awareness towards eradication of Polio as well as to commemorate the efforts of thousands of volunteers committed to this cause of national level on World Polio Day. 

The ride will start from Nueplex Parking Area DHA and will pace towards Phase 8 and the streets. It is a mid-pace ride so even if anyone is new to cycling or even a regular cyclist are welcome to join this ride. The meet up time has been set as 06:30 AM sharp while the ride will end at 08:00 AM approximately.

Bicycle rentals are also available for this ride where all the riders are to abide by the Group Safety Rules. No Helmet No Ride rule is most critical. In case of any loss, Injury or damage to the person or belongings riders understand that this will be at their own risk and Cycologists will not be responsible.

Cycologists also reserves the rights to post any of the photographs or videos taken during any ride on its social media pages without any permission of each individual who is in the photograph/video.

Hot Wheels/Bicycles would be providing bicycle rentals for which for which the vendor-er can be contacted through these cell phone numbers: 0342-2944377 and 0321-2056857.

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